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Windows 95 > Internet Explorer 4 Tips

Stop the sound from playing when clicking a link

By: Arie Slob

In some cases Internet Explorer will play a sound, when you click on a link. This can get quite annoying. Here is how to stop this:

  1. Go to Control Panel (Start > Settings) and select Sounds
  2. Go to Windows Explorer/Start Navigation and Windows Explorer/Complete Navigation and select None from the drop-down menu

If this still doesn't work, try this:

  1. Start the Registry Editor
  2. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ ActivatingDocument
  3. Click on the + sign left of the ....ActivatingDocument
  4. Delete .Current
  5. Also HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ AppEvents \ Schemes \ Apps \ Explorer \ Navigating
  6. Click on the + sign left of the ....Navigating
  7. Delete .Current

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