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Windows 95 > Outlook Express 4 Tips

Security Patch

By: Arie Slob

Microsoft has posted an update to Microsoft Outlook Express that protects customers against a potential problem involving file attachments that have long names.

When the user attempts to open an attachment in Outlook Express mail or news client and the attachment has a filename longer than a certain number of characters, the client could terminate unexpectedly.

Affected Software Versions:

  • Outlook 98 on Windows '95, Windows '98 and Microsoft Windows NT® (when configured for Internet Mail Only OR Corporate/Workgroupsupport with an Internet Mail service) (Outlook 97 and Outlook for Macintosh, Microsoft Exchange Server Edition are not affected by this issue)
  • Outlook Express included with Internet Explorer 4, 4.01 & 4.01 with Service Pack 1 on Windows '95, Windows '98 and Windows NT
  • Outlook Express included with Internet Explorer 41 on Solaris
  • Outlook Express included with Internet Explorer 41 on the Macintosh (Outlook Express 4.01 for Windows 3.1 is not affected by this issue)

More information, and patches can be found on the Microsoft Internet Explorer Security Site.

Note that Microsoft has updated the patch on the 11th of August. Visit the Internet Explorer Security page for more info!