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Windows 95 > Internet Explorer 4 Tips

Adding or Removing Web Integrated Desktop

By: Arie Slob

To add or remove Web Integrated Desktop, carry out the following steps:

  1. Click Start > Settings > Control Panel then click the Add/Remove Programs icon
  2. Double-click the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 entry
  3. Select the appropriate option: Remove the Windows Desktop Update component, But Keep The Internet Explorer 4 Web Browser or Add the Windows Desktop Update component from Web site

Selecting Add the Windows Desktop Update component from Web site opens the Internet Explorer 4 components download page so you can download and install the Web Integrated Desktop components [675KB]. If you have previously downloaded or installed Web Integrated Desktop, you can enable it without connecting to the Internet by running Ie4setup.exe from your local Internet Explorer 4 Setup folder. When prompted, click Yes to enable Web Integrated Desktop, and then choose to upgrade only newer items.

Adding or Removing Web Integrated Desktop

Note #1: When you uninstall the Web Integrated Desktop, whether you are uninstalling just that component or Internet Explorer 4, on restarting your computer, it will try to find a drive named W:\. You can ignore the message that appears.

Note #2: If you move, rename, or delete a file in use as an HTML background or desktop object, the Active Desktop is automatically turned off. This is because the Active Desktop is looking for a file that it cannot find. To turn the Active Desktop back on, carry out the following steps:

  1. Right-click the desktop, choose Active Desktop from the menu, and then click View As Web Page to remove the check mark
  2. Press F5 to refresh the desktop
  3. To restart the Active Desktop, right-click the desktop, click Properties, click the Web tab, and then select one or both of the Active Desktop settings
  4. Before you click OK, make sure you edit the path to the desktop object or HTML background file that was moved, renamed, or deleted so that the path points to the current location of the file; otherwise, the Active Desktop will be turned off again.

You can also just turn off the active desktop. To do this, right-click an empty spot on the desktop and from the context-menu select Active Desktop. On the sub-menu, make sure that View As Web Page is unchecked.

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