Windows-Help.NET Newsletter18 March 2000, Vol 3 No. 11
 Exciting Hardware.

by Arie Slob

Dear Windows-Help.NET Subscriber,

IBM has been on the forefront of the personal computer industry ever since it first introduced the PC to the masses. In an article in The New York Times on the web, it was announced that scientists of Big Blue had achieved a startling technological breakthrough. This could result in disk drives capable of holding more than one trillion bytes of data, more than 100 times the capacity of today's most typical hard drives.

IBM researchers have found a way to chemically force tiny magnetic particles to automatically arrange themselves. In the arrangement, the particles, which could contain bits of information, could be packed together tightly and precisely.

IBM executives cautioned that while the breakthrough is cause for scientific excitement, it will not mean that next generation disk drives will be available any time soon. It took almost a decade for IBM to take its Gigantic Magneto Resistive head technology from the laboratory to consumers.

This week, IBM also announced a new record capacity hard drive.

The 7,200 rpm Deskstar 75GXP for desktop computers holds a whopping 75-gigabytes (GB) of data, more than 10 times the capacity of drives found in the average home PC.

Users will benefit enormously from Deskstar 75GXP's ability to store more movies, pictures, music and business information on their PCs. A single drive can now store the equivalent of up to 18 DVD movies in MPEG3 format, 159 music CDs or the data contained in a stack of documents 20 times taller than the Washington Monument.

These are the first IBM desktop drives to use glass disk platters instead of aluminum. The smoother and more rigid glass disks allow the recording head to read smaller bits of information that are packed more closely together. In addition, glass disks are more stable at higher speeds.

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Networking Computers

InfiniSource's Sandra Underhill starts a series on Networking Computers.

Part I: Is the daunting onslaught of unfamiliar terms causing you to pause when you consider networking your computers together? How to navigate through Network-speak...

Part II: Connecting your computers together to form a Network is easier than ever. Check out the array of networking products to choose from!

Windows Tip:

Stop Automatic Dialing
Is your browser leading his own life? Check here on how to prevent it from dialing your ISP without your consent.


Windows 98 Tip:

Restore Windows 95 style cascading menus to the Start Menu
Windows 98 changed the behavior of the menus under the Start Menu. In Windows 98, when a menu is too tall to fit on your screen, you will see a scroll arrow at the bottom, allowing you to scroll further down. In Windows 95, a second menu would appear next to the first, where the entries that would otherwise not fit on your screen would be displayed. Check here to revert back to Windows 95's way of displaying the Start Menu:


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  Microsoft Security

Patch Available for "DOS Device in Path Name" Vulnerability

Microsoft has released a patch that eliminates a security vulnerability in Microsoft® Windows® 95, Windows 98, and Windows 98 Second Edition. The vulnerability could cause a user's system to crash, if they attempted to access a file or folder whose path contained certain reserved words.

Affected Software Versions

  • Microsoft Windows 95
  • Microsoft Windows 98
  • Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition

More information

  BBS Hot Topic

This topic is from a recent discussion on the Windows-Help.NET Support BBS:

Shameless request for everyone's help

If you like MP3 music, go here and get some cool stuff!

Thread continues here.

  Web site updates

These pages were added/updated in the past week. Information on previously updated/added pages is available on the What's New? page for 1 month.
Added: Patch Available for "DOS Device in Path Name" Vulnerability
Updated: Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles dealing with Internet Connection Sharing
Added: Networking Computers, Part II
Added: Networking Computers, Part I
Updated: Internet Search Resources


Windows 98
Added: Restore Windows 95 like cascading menus to the Start Menu
Updated: Fatal Exception 0E Errors
Added: Stop Automatic Dialing

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